Give Now

Gifts of any size make an immediate impact on our students. In addition to tangible educational resources, our students can see that their community supports, values, and is invested in their future. A gift to Heschel represents your dedication to the Hawkeye experience and helps to make every day on our campus extraordinary. Our success is a collective effort that helps to bring the vision and mission of our school to life.

All increased gifts or new gifts to Heschel this year will be matched by 50%.
That means that for every $2 donated in increased or new gifts, we will receive an additional $1!
Consider making an increased gift today to double your impact!

Heschel Fund Giving Levels
1972 Founders' Circle

Up to $499

Benefactor donors and above are
invited to a special thank you event.


Tax ID# 95-2794822


Questions? Contact or call (818) 368-5781 x301